How To Use Bitter Kola To Last Longer In Bed

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How To Use Bitter Kola To Last Longer In Bed


Bitter kola is a plant from Africa that has many names called it but the English name is bitter kola. It has a lot of compounds in it that make it healthy to eat, the truth about this plant is that all of it is useful, starting from the leaf. In this article, I’m going to show the benefits of bitter kola to our body system.

These are the benefits of bitter kola below

How To Use Bitter Kola To Last Longer In BedHow To Use Bitter Kola To Last Longer In Bed


Bitter kola provides quality and healthy sex between the two genders and it improves sexual performance, especially in the men aspect. This plant is powerful and useful. Consumers of bitter kola, especially men are always strong and perform their duties better (They are naturally good in bed). It is very important to consume or chew bitter kola a few minutes before intercourse in other to be effective and stronger in bed

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Bitter kola is very important and useful, it’s seed and leaf contain antibacterials. Research shows that they have the ability to clinically isolate Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhi, and Streptococcus pyrogens. This is to show how useful bitter kola could be in our body system


Bitter kola plays a vital role in our body system, it has an antibiotic with many detoxification abilities. At this point when we consume or chew bitter kola, we are hundred percent safe from bacteria or poison.


A group of eye conditions that can cause blindness. With all types of glaucoma, the nerve connecting the eye to the brain is damaged, usually due to high eye pressure. Bitter kola is a nice remedy for the eyes Bitter kola successfully reduces the eye pressure, whenever it’s been consumed at least two times daily.

Immunity System

The level of antioxidants in bitter kola is very high, and it makes the body develop and have increments of its immunity levels. When the immunity level of the body is increased, it becomes strong enough to fight against any foreign contaminant.


The chemical constituents in bitter kola have anti-malarial properties. This was made clear by the scientist researchers. Furthermore, the stem, bark, and seeds of bitter kola are used to treat acute fever, inflammation of the respiratory tract, and throat infections. In this aspect malaria is one of the most common sicknesses in our society today and bitter had to help in the reduction of malaria, only to those that consume it.

Conclusion Bitter kola is very useful to the body system. One of the most sexual moving ventures is the manner by which to utilize bitter kola to endure longer in bed.. with the above write-ups, I guess you had found the advantages of bitter kola to men for the most part and how bitter kola helps men sexually.

Please also know that we only provide information and remedies, someone with any health challenge should meet his or her doctor before taking action on our remedies.